"Since 1988"

Photos, Slides & Transparencies Scanning
Digitize your slides, transparencies & photos, and you can stop the deterioration process on the images and use the new, crisp images like you would any digital camera image.
Spectra PhotoVideo will convert 35mm slides, large format slides or photos to a digital format while they are still in good condition. Our conversion process shown below has been refined to get the best quality results available.
By digitizing the slides, photos and transparencies, they will be preserved so no more color fading, no new scratches or damage to the images. Also, with the JPEG digital format you can take advantage of all the software and services available for digital camera users. This includes PC/Mac based albums to organize your photos, online photo storage and saving, display and print the scanned images.
Spectra Difference
✓ Color Enhancement Included
✓ Digital Image Cleaning Included
✓ Image Rotation & Cropping Included
✓ Non-Standard Slides & Negative Sizes Accepted
✓ Slide Carousels Accepted
✓ Photos in Imperfect Condition Accepted
✓ Free Online Storage/Download
✓ No Added Fee for Organizing Scan Job
Photos & Slides Accepted
We do not scan 35mm negative strips
Format We Scan To

35mm Slides
Minimum charge: $25/order
We do not scan 35mm negative strips
Minimum charge: $25/order
Additional Charge for Photos in Albums: $.25/each
120/220 & 4x5 Transparencies
Minimum charge: $25/order
Original Scan

Digital Correction

For images that are significantly faded or scratched, there will be an extra charge to recover and repair the images. We will contact you to inform you if such recovery is needed.
Material submitted for scanning needs to be out of any albums and ready to be scanned
Order of pictures, slides, and negatives cannot be maintained when scanned. We will however group your material in folders where possible.
Our Process
Kodak Kodachrome optimized scanning. Even with old, slightly color faded or ill processed Kodachrome slides, we can scan them clean of dust and scratches. This creates the best possible image to start with, requiring less clean up and better quality results.
Our digital artists manually review each image and correct for color range and over/underexposure. Color correction is also applied creating a color balanced image.
The image is rotated and cropped for proper orientation and to remove black borders around the image.
We also perform manual spotting on the scanned images. This is a very time consuming process by which a digital artist looks at every image and skillfully removes the majority of dust and scratches that are visible on the digital image.
Images are print ready. The scanned images can be sent to most print shops and printed on regular photographic paper.